
Automated Instagram Audience Report: Enhancing Marketing Efforts with Real-Time Dashboards and Octoboard's Analytics Platform

Learn how to create an automated Instagram audience report with Octoboard's analytics platform.

New marketing template — Instagram Audience
We have added a new data template "Instagram Audience" for automating Instagram data reports. Use it to build engaging client reports and send business updates by email.
All your data in one place
Business features include
New marketing template — Instagram Audience
Automated reporting
Keyword rank tracker
Send data to Google Sheets
B2B lead generation
White label client portal
Send data to BigQuery
ChatGPT data insights
All your data in one place

New marketing template — Instagram Audience

We have added a new data template "Instagram Audience" for automating Instagram data reports. Use it to build engaging client reports and send business updates by email.

All your data in one place
Business performance management dashboard shared

Share template "Instagram Audience" with your team

Add client portal to your website. Invite clients and team members and let them explore your collection data in dashboards and reports built using template "Instagram Audience".

Share with teams
Public links and embedding

Make your Instagram data public in a shared dashboard. Embed data views into any page of your website. The setup is very easy and does not require IT support.

Secure and private
Manage Instagram data visibility

You decide what data to share or to keep private. Access rights for individual users and clients is under your control.

Business performance management dashboard shared
Octoboard business cloud data dashboards for churn reduction

Showcase your Instagram Audience data

Create Instagram graphs and metrics that demonstrate positive historical changes and results. Compare historical Instagram KPI changes and prove ROI to any business with regular and automated reporting.

Octoboard business cloud data dashboards for churn reduction
White label client portal

Enable Instagram client portal

Create and host white label client portal on your website using Instagram data. Use our library of templates, place your logo and send automated reports in seconds.

Share data view links

Create public and private dashboards and reports using template "Instagram Audience". Embed data views into any page of your website. The setup is very easy and does not require IT support.

White label client portal
Automated cloud data insights

Use OpenAI and ChatGPT to indentify Instagram data trends

Octoboard will constantly monitor data changes in the "Instagram Audience" template. We use ChatGPT and OpenAI to identify Instagram trends and send regular updates.

Connect Instagram once and enable our AI engine

We employ our own machine learning algorithms to automatically discover Instagram trends that you may miss. Connect to your Instagram data and receive insights in your Email box.

Automated cloud data insights


Instagram account audience dashboard (incl. stories)

Template for generated report: Instagram audience dashboard
Creating a comprehensive and dynamic social media strategy is crucial for marketing teams aiming to maximize their online presence and engagement. With Instagram being one of the leading platforms for digital marketing, leveraging real-time analytics to monitor and analyze social media performance has become indispensable. This blog post delves into how building a real-time Social Media dashboard, particularly focusing on Instagram data metrics, can significantly enhance marketing efforts. We will explore the integration of Octoboard's analytics platform with Instagram's cloud data API to automate and streamline the creation of these dashboards, saving marketing teams invaluable time and resources.

Save time by automating your reports, grow revenue and retain customers with Octoboard.

Understanding Instagram Data Metrics for Real-time Dashboards

To maintain a competitive edge, marketing teams must stay abreast of their social media performance. Real-time dashboards that utilize Instagram data metrics provide a comprehensive overview of audience engagement and behavior. Metrics such as Instagram Audience Overview, Instagram FB Countries, Cities, Age Gender, Languages, Stories, and Stories Feed, along with age and gender demographics, offer insights into who is engaging with your content and how.

  • Analyzing these metrics helps identify trends in follower growth, engagement rates, and content reach. Understanding geographical and demographic data allows for the tailoring of content to suit the specific interests and needs of different segments of your audience.
  • Monitoring Instagram Stories and Feed engagement can guide content strategy, helping to determine what types of content resonate most with your audience.

The Octoboard Solution: Automating Dashboard Creation

Utilizing platforms like Octoboard for marketing analytics can revolutionize how marketing teams approach social media dashboard creation. By automating the process, Octoboard saves hundreds of hours that would otherwise be spent manually compiling data. This efficiency not only accelerates the decision-making process but also allows marketing teams to focus on strategy and content creation rather than data management.

The real-time nature of these dashboards, displayed prominently in an office, ensures that all team members are continually aware of social media performance metrics. This visibility encourages a unified approach to optimizing strategies based on up-to-date data.

Create marketing reports and use ChatGPT and Open AI to monitor data trends with Octoboard.

Monitoring Instagram Metrics for Enhanced Performance

Constant monitoring of Instagram metrics is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of social media efforts. It allows teams to quickly adjust strategies in response to what the data shows about audience preferences and behaviors. This agility is vital in the fast-paced world of social media marketing, where trends and user interests can change rapidly.

Integrating Multiple PPC Channels for Comprehensive Reporting

In today's digital landscape, marketing teams often utilize multiple PPC (Pay-Per-Click) channels to maximize their reach. Octoboard's analytics platform excels in bringing all PPC reporting into one place. This consolidation is crucial for several reasons:

  • It provides a holistic view of advertising efforts across platforms, enabling better strategic decisions.
  • It allows for the comparison of performance across channels, helping to allocate budgets more effectively based on ROI.
  • It saves time by eliminating the need to log into multiple platforms for data retrieval and analysis.

Advanced PPC Analytics for Tailored Reporting

Octoboard's advanced PPC Analytics module is a game-changer for marketing agencies. By enabling the creation of new metrics, dimensions, and the application of advanced formulas, this module allows for highly customized reporting. Agencies can thus tailor reports to specific client needs, across different locations and currencies, enhancing the value and relevance of the insights provided. This capability is invaluable for agencies looking to offer strategic, data-driven recommendations to their clients.

Learn more about this feature here.

Automating Data Trends Detection with Octoboard and OpenAI

The integration of Octoboard with OpenAI for automated data trend detection marks a significant advancement in social media analytics. By leveraging this feature, marketing teams can:

  • Automatically identify emerging trends in their Instagram data.
  • Gain insights into audience behavior and preferences without manual data analysis.
  • Stay ahead of the curve by adjusting strategies based on predictive analytics and trend forecasts.

Monitor your ad spend budget, save costs and increase your paid advertising ROI with Octoboard.

This automation not only enhances the efficiency of data analysis but also ensures that marketing strategies remain aligned with current and emerging audience trends.

Discover more about Octoboard's automated data insights here.

Google Sheets Data Export for Enhanced Accessibility

The ability to export data to Google Sheets is another standout feature of the Octoboard platform. This functionality facilitates easy access to data for deeper analysis and collaboration. Marketing teams can leverage this feature to:

  • Share data seamlessly across teams and with clients for transparent reporting.
  • Perform custom analyses using Google Sheets' powerful data manipulation and visualization tools.
  • Automate data updates, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the latest information.

This integration underscores Octoboard's commitment to making data accessible and actionable for marketing teams.

Learn more about the Google Sheets data export feature here.


In the rapidly evolving world of social media marketing, the ability to quickly analyze and act on data is key to maintaining a competitive edge. Real-time dashboards, powered by platforms like Octoboard, offer a powerful solution for marketing teams looking to streamline their analytics processes. By automating data collection and analysis, integrating comprehensive PPC reporting, and leveraging advanced analytics and trend detection, Octoboard enables marketing teams to focus on what they do best: creating engaging content and strategies that resonate with their audience. With these tools at their disposal, marketing teams can not only save time but also enhance the effectiveness of their social media efforts, ultimately driving greater ROI for their businesses.
Last reviewed:
Client portals:
White label:
Data refresh:
OpenAI Data insights:
Office TV output:



The cities of the IG User's followers. Does not include current day's data.


The countries of the IG User's followers. Does not include current day's data.


The age and gender distribution of the IG User's followers. Does not include current day's data.


The age distribution of the IG User's followers. Does not include current day's data.


The gender distribution of the IG User's followers. Does not include current day's data.


This widget is no longer supported by Facebook.


Stories feed and performance figures.
Get more value out of your cloud data. Start using performance metrics now.

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