
Send your marketing data to BigQuery

Easy-to-use BigQuery export setup and data transformations for non-technical users.

Prepare data for BigQuery analysis
Clean, transform and normalise data for your BigQuery project. Combine all datasets and create custom dimensions for your analytics teams.
Export marketing data to bigquery with octoboard
Business features include
Send data to BigQuery
Your marketing Data Hub
Clean and transform data
Automated reporting
Export marketing data to bigquery with octoboard

Prepare data for BigQuery analysis

Clean, transform and normalise data for your BigQuery project. Combine all datasets and create custom dimensions for your analytics teams.

Monitor real-time exports

Data is exported to BigQuery automatically on hourly basis. Dataset previews available in Octoboard dashboards and reports. Every export is logged for future data audits.

Export marketing data to bigquery with octoboard
Build marketing data hub with octoboard

Your marketing Data Hub

Power all your marketing analytics, reporting and data warehouse systems - from data aggregation and cleaning to data visualisation and exports.

All PPC Data in one place

From Sessions, Impressions, Clicks, Costs and ROAS to custom metrics, dimensions and advanced data transformations in one marketing data analytics platform.

Build marketing data hub with octoboard
Clean and transform data

Clean and transform data

Use our business rules editor to build custom metrics and dimensions. Our FX converter supports over 140 world currencies.

Modify data processing logic

Create advanced data lookups and formulas to calculate complex fields: from campaign name updates to tax calculations.

Clean and transform data
Automated marketing reports

Automate marketing reports and dashboards

Watch budgets and measure effectiveness of every dollar spent on paid advertising.

Multi-channel templates for every scenario

We created over 300 professional reports for you to use. Use our library of templates. Modify data reports or create them from scratch.

Automated marketing reports
Get more value out of your cloud data. Start using performance metrics now.