
Octoboard Web Analytics overview

Octoboard Web Analytics overview

Octoboard Web Analytics Overview

Octoboard Web Analytics is a feature of our platform that allows our clients to capture real-time website traffic events and use them to build the following functionality:

  • Create real-time website session dashboards
  • Capture web leads by converting visitor’s IP addresses to company names
  • Send web traffic data to Octoboard’s PPC Data Analytics to complement or replace GA4 data
Real time business dashboard from octoboard
Octoboard Web Analytics can contribute or even replace your Google Analytics data connection if for some reason you cannot use GA4 or the use of GA4 is restricted.

Octoboard Web Analytics features require the installation of a small script called OCTO.JS on your website pages.

Your Octoboard subscription allows you to install scripts on multiple websites. You can monitor one website per Octoboard organisation (one OCTO.JS installation per organisation or client)

Octoboard Web Analytics features are currently in Beta. The number of web traffic events is limited to 3000 unique users per week.

How to install OCTO.JS script to capture website traffic

Installing OCTO.JS is really quite simple. First, you need to enable OCTO.JS in your Octoboard account. Multiple websites can be monitored in your account (one website/script installation per organisation or client). To enable OCTO.JS,identify the organisation that you want to capture traffic for and use the OCTO.JS tab in that client’s configuration as shown in the image below:

Octojs configuration panel

Click the EDIT button, enter the website domain and select “destinations” for the captured OCTO.JS events (website traffic)

Octojs traffic destinations

Every destination corresponds to Octoboared features above that you can turn on and off.

Click the APPLY button. The panel will close and the OCTO.JS script status will change to “Configured” and you can now copy the script code to the clipboard by clicking the link “Copy script code”.

The final step is to install the copied script code to the pages of your website that you would like to monitor. Place it anywhere in the body section of the pages.

Octojs copy script link
Octoboard Web Analytics feature complements Google Analytics or can replace it completely. Our Web Analytics service is GDPR-compliant - we do not use cookies to capture traffic or save personal data, and all our servers are located in the EU.

You are done! You have enabled the OCTO.JS script in your account (organisation), added the script code on the website and decided what destinations or features of the Octoboard platform to enable by turning on relevant OCTO.JS destinations.

Increasing Web Analytics limits

Web Analytics traffic generated by OCTO.JS script is limited by the number of events that your subscription supports. If the number of events breach the subscription limit, some of the events will be ignored by the system. If that happens, all dashboards that use live website traffic data will start displaying notification messages at the top of the screen.

Web Analytics traffic events are used by both Web Analytics and PPC Data Analytics products. You can purchase additional Web Analytics traffic and increase web event limits by upgrading either Web Analytics or PPC Data Analytics subscriptions. The maximum event limit purchased in either product will be used. For more details on the event limits in each subscription, please visit our pricing page.

For more details on how to create real-time website traffic dashboards in Octoboard’s Marketing Analytics product using OCTO.JS data, please read this tutorial.