
Connect to paid advertising platforms in a few clicks

Data connectors for paid advertising for complete multi-channel PPC data analytics

Connect PPC data sources
Connect to any supported paid advertising platform and Google Analytics accounts. Report key metrics across all your marketing channels.
Collect marketing data with octoboard
Business features include
Connect PPC data sources
Combine SEO, PPC, E-commerce data
Clean and transform data
Collect marketing data with octoboard

Connect PPC data sources

Connect to any supported paid advertising platform and Google Analytics accounts. Report key metrics across all your marketing channels.

Over 300 pre-built datasets

Do not start from scratch. Use our fully configurable data templates. Combine SEO, PPC, Social and Sales data for higher Return on Ad Spend.

Collect marketing data with octoboard
Multi channel paid advertising reporting

Combine SEO, PPC, E-commerce data

Combine SEO, Paid Advertising, Social and Sales data to optimize Marketing Performance for more Clicks, more Leads and Conversions.

Cross-channel templates

Our data scientists created professional reports for you to use. With Octoboard you will never start from scratch or spend time joining data.

Multi channel paid advertising reporting
Clean and transform data

Clean and transform data

Use our business rules editor to build custom metrics and dimensions. Our FX converter supports over 140 world currencies.

Modify data processing logic

Create advanced data lookups and formulas to calculate complex fields: from campaign name updates to tax calculations.

Clean and transform data
Get more value out of your cloud data. Start using performance metrics now.